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Project Pesten / Bullying




Start project:             2016 
Status:                         Ongoing
Exhibitions:                Centre Ceramique, Maastricht, the Netherlands (dec. 2018 - febr. 2019)
                                       Limburgs museum (2018)
                                       Arles, France (4th of July - 18th of July 2021)
                                       Paris, France (26th of October - 31st of October 2021)
                                       FotoNostrum, Barcelona, Spain (20th of April 2023 - 7th of May 2023)
Description:               Series about bullying, analog portraits of people who are victims of bullying or people who are bulliers.
                                       First series 100 people were photographed, series is ongoing. In the first exhibition I have worked                                                     together with 'Stichting Omgaan met Pesten' to be able to educate people how to deal with bullying.                                               The portraits are combined with illustrative photographs, which tell a personal story.


Impression made by  André Hilkens - Centre Ceramique ,Maastricht - Opening  1st of december 2018.

​NOS Jeugdjournaal special about bullying (20th of september 2020).

NOS Jeugdjournaal Inteview participants project Bullying​
On the 7th of March 2020 I was able to defend the photobook, I made, during the BMK ballotage in Rotterdam (Photomuseum) with positive result. The jury was unanimous about the series. Thee BMK (Bond Master Klasse) is highest possible award within the dutch Fotobond. For me it was the 2nd BMK title, on the 7th of March I received the 1st BMK title, for the serie 'In the shadow of voices'.
Documentary Eindeloos gepest deel 3
In 2024 I was asked if I wanted to colaborate with KRO-NCRV in making a documentary for NPO3 (dutch tv). Three contestants of the series were filmed for the documentary. The photos were used to show the impact of bullying, as I intended. The documentary can be seen here.
Publicaties, interviews

The project had a lot of media attention, click on the link to get an overview.


The edit of the portraits is done by Karin Claus

Amber uitsnede.jpg



© 2024 by SUSAN LEURS 

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