When people ask me what equipment I use, I tell them; my eyes... - Ansel Adams
Publications Project Bullying
Interview NOS Radio1 - Martijn van der Zande
NOS radio 1 interviewed me about the exhibition Bullying. -
Reportage NOS Jeugdjournaal
Participants Renate & Nora were being interviewed by Jeugdjournaal, and they gave an impression of the exhibition. -
Interview L1 radio - Wouter Nelissen
In the Cultuurcafé in the Limburgs museum Jorgen Polman (Forum Beeldtaal) and myselve were interviewed. -
Hart van Nederland
On the 1st of december 2018 the exhibition was opened and the tv-program Hart van Nederland did a reportage about the exhibition. -
During the opening in Centre Céramique on the 1th of december 2018 L1 TV did a reportage about the exhibition. -
Forum Beeldtaal - Jorgen Polman
Jorgen Polman wrote an article about my photographical development. -
Dagblad de Limburger - Merel Visscher, foto Peter Schols
On the 30th of november I was interviewed about the project Bullying. -
7DAYS - door Janine de Wit
Participant Iris & Hans were interviewed for 7DAYS, weekly newspaper for young adults. -
Kidsweek - door Janine de Wit
Participant Nora was interviewed for Kidsweek about her bullying paste, together with her mum, Renate. -
Thuis In Maastricht (TIM) - Vlogster Jenneke van Genechten
For the community of Maastricht participant Jenneke made this vlog. -
Blog for CJG Nieuwkoop - by Mirelle Valentijn
Article by Mirelle, in her roll as mother of Nikita, both participating for the project. -
AD Groene Hart Woerden - by Rosanne Kok
Participant Mirelle, Nikita en Stasja were interviewed. -
Lokale Omroep Stein
Interview by Lokale Omroep Stein in Focus about the project.
Dagblad de Limburger - by Pascalle Thewissen -
Overview about the workshops by participant & coach Helma Jöris.
The workshops were organized for the educational program next to the exhibition by Centre Céramique. -
NPO3 Tussenuur - by Laurens Zautsen
Interview by participant Laurens with participants Ashton & Iris and myselve, as initiator, about the project. -
FOCUS magazine - redactie Focus
Article in Focus Magazine about the exhibition Bullying. -
CJG043 - Story of Margit
For Centrum Jeugd en Gezin 043 particpant Margit was inteviewed about her bullying paste. -
Zin in Opvoeding - by Marijke Verduijn
For the website 'Zin in Opvoeding' I was being inteviewed about the initiative of the project. -
Zin in Opvoeding - by Marijke Verduijn
For the website 'Zin in Opvoeding' particpant Hans was inteviewed about the impact of bullying. -
Instinct Magazine - by Miguel Martins (Portugal)
For Instinct Magazine (Californië, USA) participant Miguel wrote an article, his portrait was published. He tells about his own story and his participation on the project. -
The Share Chair Podcast - by David Theune (Michigan, USA)
David is an American Teacher, living for a short while in the Netherlands. He researched the differences between scholing in the US and the Netherlands. He stumbled upon my project and he interviewed me for The Share Chair Podcast. -
Dezanove - by Miguel Martins (Portugal)
For the website Dezanove (Portugal) participant Miguel wrote an article, his portrait was published. He tells about his own story and his participation on the project. -
THEGAYUK.COM - by Miguel Martins (Portugal)
For the website THEGAYUK.COM (UK) participant Miguel wrote an article, his portrait was published. He tells about his own story and his participation on the project. -
Wendy Online - by De Redactie
Wendy Online inteviewed me about the project Bullying, to see the article click on the link. -
NRC - by De Redactie
Tessa Kaufman researched initiatives against bullying, are they usefull and how does bullying arises. For the article 6 portraits were used from my project, also she explained my initiative for the project. -
Thea Hilhorst & Geeske Hattuma - Interview for a book
Thea is writing a book about bullying, based on her own expierences, they asked me for an interview about my project. Geeske works together with her on the interviews. Publication of the book will be in a later stadium. -
Stichting Lokale Omroep Stein - Bie os
Interview by Miriam van Es about the project Bullying (sunday 18th of april 2021). -
KRO-NCRV Documentaire Eindeloos gepest - Aankondiging
With 3 of the contestents of the project we had a role in the documentary Eindeloos gepest part 3. This article mentions when it will be broadcasted on tv. The documentary can be seen here. -
Dagblad De Limburger - Interview Tren
Interview with Tren about his part in the documentary.